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-- 作者:LMRSYY -- 发布时间:2010/8/23 11:11:00 -- 象棋英语 Would you like a draw? 你同意和棋吗? Yes, I accept. 我接受。 No, I thank you. I would like to play on. 不,谢谢。我继续下。 I resign. 我认输。 The flag was fallen. 超时。 You lose on time. 你超时了。 You have overstepped the time-limit. 你超时了。 My opponent overstepped the time limit. 我的对手超时了。 Touch — move . You must move this piece. 碰子——走子。你必须动这个子。 This clock is not accurate. It has stopped . It does not work. It works Inaccurately. 计时钟不准确。计时钟停了。 It goes too slowly ( too fast).Could you change it , please? 计时钟走的太慢(快)。能给我换一个吗? Is the control move already made? 时限规定的着法你是否已经走够了? No, one (two,three,etc.) move (s) is (are)left. 不,还有一(两、三)步没走。 Yes, all the moves have been made. 是的,所有的着法都已经走了。 I won. 我赢了。 I lost. 我输了。 I drew. 我下和了。 I lost on time. 我超时判负了。 I missed a win (draw). 我错过了赢棋(和棋)的机会。 Do you want to analyse the game? 你想复盘吗? Yes, I do it with pleasure. 我很愿意。 Yes, I do. Let’s do it. 好,我们一起复盘。 No, excuse me , I am very tied. 对不起,我现在不想复盘。我很累。 What do you think, where did I make a mistake? 你认为我在什么地方出错了? Difficult to say. Let’s analyse. It seems to me that you made a mistake in the opening (midgame, endgame). 很难说。我们复盘看看。好象你在开局(中局、残局)时出错了。 I (you ) played the opening (very) badly. 我(你)开局下的(太)不好。 I did not played the opening quite well (accurately). 我开局开走得不好。 How about this opening line (move)? 这一开局着法(棋步)怎么样? I think (don’t think) this line (move) quite well. 我认为(不认为)这种开局着法很好。 I know this line (move) quite well. 我对这一开局着法(棋步)很熟悉。 I know this line (move) badly. 我我对这一开局着法(棋步)不怎么熟悉。 I do equalize the position in the opening . 开局时我和对手势均力敌。 I (you) did not equalize in the opening. 开局时我(你)处于劣势。 Is it (this) a novelty? 这是个新招吗? Yes , it (this) is. 对,是的。 No, it (this) is not a novelty. 不,这不是新招。 I don’t know. I discovered this move over the board. 我不知道。我是比赛时在棋盘上发现这步棋的。 |
-- 作者:职业象棋迷 -- 发布时间:2010/8/23 11:25:00 -- ![]() ![]() ![]() |
-- 作者:九制陈皮 -- 发布时间:2010/8/23 19:52:00 -- 好东东,收藏了。真心感谢楼主! ![]() ![]() |